7  Working around the constraint of time itself


Try to find patterns in what happens before crush toward someone begins or increases, and know which indicators are associated with very intense crush. Some possible indicators:

  • Seeing perfect confidence
  • Seeing a similarity between you and the other person (which ones?)
  • Making someone visibly feel good

Use this knowledge to instantly predict that you are likely about to start having crush toward someone. You can respond to predicted crush almost as if you already have crush. This increases speed by allowing you to have parts of the crush experience early, such as:

  • Desire to avoid regret of not interacting with the person
  • Desire to think of something to say to the person
  • Attention to good things about the person


Your pursuit of connection in the present can lead to a situation where someone is benefiting from you. Examples:

  • Spouse and children, if you find someone to marry (high standards are needed because love is patient, is hard working, and tries to make the future generation better than the current one)
  • People who benefit from a creation, if you find someone with shared interest that leads to collaboration

Find energy from this love before you know who it’s for.