Dull Bananas

My name is Joseph Silva. I have lots of problem solving energy. I started a project "Pansystellar", involving coding and writing, aiming to create a new category of educational experience. I'm on the risky adventure of using GNU + Linux on hardware with poor support. I go on walks, go to the gym, code, write stories, and make YTPs. I recently joined Outreach Choir at ASU. I recently started dabbling in acting by attending an improv comedy workshop. I like rabbits, the colors green and pink, and Rust programming lang. I think I can change the world. I'm intellectually adventurous.

I'm Catholic. I do a tiny bit of daily prayer and I'm very accepting of God's plan. My priorities in everything are subordinate to that of honoring God.

In April 2023, during an all-school retreat, I suddenly went to confession and started practicing Catholicism again. It felt like a dream.

I named one of my Rust libraries "i_love_jesus" despite it being unrelated to Jesus. An unexpected result is an admin of a Lemmy server seeing "i_love_jesus" in the database log.

During Reddit's API controversy, I started contributing to Lemmy's server code to help it compete against Reddit. I got promoted to maintainer. Still unpaid. I mostly improve performance, improve code style, review others' changes, or provide requested assistance (I have "expertise" that Lemmy's creators are somewhat dependent on).

Currently at Arizona State University for software engineering degree. A software engineering career would be good as long as I don't help make non-libre software.